AWMF-0161 37-40 GHz IF Up/Down Converter IC

AWMF-0161 IF Up/Down Converter IC Product Overview

37-40 GHz IF Up/Down Converter IC

The AWMF-0161 is a highly integrated silicon frequency-conversion IC intended for 5G phased array applications. When used together with Anokiwave’s beamformer IC products, this device enables low-cost, high-performance, and feature-rich 5G phased array systems. The half-duplex IC integrates Tx single-sideband up-conversion and Rx image-reject down-conversion functionality with programmable high side or low side LO. An on-chip frequency multiplier simplifies board-level integration with external PLLs. The multi-function device also includes an RF bypass mode in which the frequency-conversion function is bypassed, and the IC effectively functions as an RF gain block. This feature enables a scalable phased-array architecture without the use of numerous discrete amplifier and switch components.

The IF up/down converter ICs are fully compatible with the respective Anokiwave Beamformer ICs, sharing common mechanical and electrical interfaces, and designed for cascade integration from IF to antenna and back.


  • 37 to 40 GHz operation
  • n260 3GPP band
  • Flat wideband IF and RF response
  • Integrated Tx/Rx half duplex switch
  • Industry leading spectral purity
  • Fully integrated sideband and image rejection
  • Active Tx/Rx conversion gain
  • Autonomous temperature telemetry and rejection
  • On-chip x4 LO frequency multiplier
  • Consider AWMF-0159 Dual Pol Quad 4x2 Beamformer IC for a full RF Solution


3GPP compliant 5G communications arrays and satcom transceivers


Not recommended for new designs, consider the newer AWMF-0218 for improved performance.